Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good Judgment

I keep reminding myself that Friday night went about as perfectly as a night like that could go. ...And that I got pretty lucky, and that I need to remember to be careful.

For what it's worth, Seana gave me a nice, concerned spiel about this very thing, in bed Saturday morning--right after giving me my second near-coma-inducing orgasm since meeting her. The point was pretty basic: use common sense, use good judgment. Meeting people on CL may be a pretty normal thing these days, but it's still the wild wild web, and you need to be careful. She said I should stick to girls that are single--someone already in a relationship (with either a man or a woman) is just too risky. Shit happens. Someone can be sure that their significant other won't be home that night, won't be back from their trip, etc., and they can just be totally fucking wrong, and you can end up in a lot of trouble. Go ahead and assume that if a man caught you with his wife, it would be just as bad as if he caught another man with her. Don't think for a second that he'd feel differently just because you're a woman. The cliche is that he'd be turned on by it. Right, okay. The reality is that people freak the hell out when they get their emotions stepped on, and men are pretty much wired to react violently in a situation like that. And a female significant other could be the very same way. So don't risk it. Besides, it's helping someone cheat, and it's slimy.

Always ask for a picture online. Always voice verify. Always meet in public first, somewhere crowded. Get a sense of the person. If you get a bad vibe, even a weird vibe, then back out.

I think I would've more or less followed those guidelines on my own, but I was glad she told me, anyway. And to have her concerned about me was great. I really, really like her. I like-her-like-her, as kids used to say in my school.

But yeah, we're not exclusive, and she explicitly told me I should meet other girls, so I'm definitely going to. I meant to put another ad up Sunday or Monday night, but I've been swamped with stuff. I have one of those jobs that comes home with you and fills up as much of your time as you allow it to. Really soon, though. Definitely this week.