Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Last Post, I Think

Wow, it's been forever since I've posted anything. I've just been deluged with work. Although, in the midst of it, I've had time for a couple really, really nice nights.

Both of them spent with Seana.

I think we're both changing our minds about holding off on a relationship. It's just too damn fun (and exciting, and hot, and cozy, and blissful, and delicious) when we're together, and she's definitely making sounds to that effect, too. I'm being careful to let her be the one to say that stuff, without any prompting from me. Let her get there on her own terms--I'm already there waiting for her.

Which is to say, I'm not going to hook up with anyone at random until I know more about how she feels. I want her. I really, really want her, and if a few months from now we could be living together, that's about a million miles beyond the happiest future I ever imagined for myself before all this.

I don't know how much more I'll post in this blog. I might just end on this note--one of extreme hope. One of pretty much depthless gratitude toward whatever made me finally break the leash and go after what I always knew I wanted, however this turns out. Maybe it was divine intervention. Haha... now THAT's a good fucking joke.